The book is called Jews: Go Long! | A Report on the Practicality and Desirability of the Final Redemption. The ninth draft of the manuscript (which is v1.8) is available here for direct download or may be read embedded in the browser, and is free to the public forever (G-d willing). PDF format makes reference-checking easy for reviewers because of the hyperlinks included in the document, but I think it is easier to read something that is printed.
While checking references it may be easiest to download the book and display it in Adobe rather than embedded in the webpage. CTRL+H makes that program go in or out of full screen mode.
A new chapter called 'THE WEAPON' has been added; it is about the work of Robert Duncan PhD, Nick Begich MD and others on the subject of TIs.
It is very important that readers should know to use the RECORD of UPDATES file once later versions of this manuscript are uploaded. For instance, today's readers of v1.8 could notice at a future time that some later version has been released and check the RECORD of UPDATES file to see what has changed rather than re-reading the entire book.
Jews: Go Long! v1.8 (a ninth draft of the manuscript):
"A book for the brave, Hingson's work delineates a world on the cusp of disaster or redemption."
--Solicited feedback from a Noahide
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Needed accessory documents:
1. "RECORD of UPDATES" -- This is needed for those who have read earlier drafts of the manuscript and want to know what has changed/don't want to read the entire book again to find out what changed.
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2. "Guidelines for Reviewers"
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